Register with us

New and improved access to the global market will result in improved fleet growth and utilisation.


There will be NO set-up costs, software, licensing or management fees charged to the Alliance partners.

CarRental2Go will provide the technology and the manpower to operate the system.


There will be no need for investment from the individual partners.The partners will pay a fee on completed and realised bookings only and therefore being a member of our Regional Alliance is risk free. All the partners will be an element in a regional community of car rental operators.


The individual partners need only focus on providing a quality product while CarRental 2Go will concentrate on selling it.
CarRental2Go will monitor the competition in our markets to ensure that we maintain leadership.


The Alliance partners will be represented at major international travel events by CarRental2Go.
The Alliance will have the ability to sell multiple products such as self drive, chauffeur drive, car with driver.


Please email to apply for membership.

CarRental2Go brings together car rental companies from across Asia to compete in the global marketplace through our Regional Car Rental Alliance Website.

Self Drive - Pickup a car and drive on your own. You will be responsible for Fuel and Highway Tolls. Of Course we have GPS
Car + Driver - Want to sit back and relax. This comes with your own driver and is offered for 4, 8 , 24 Hours and includes Fuel
Transfer - One Way Transfer from City to Airport or Vice Versa.
Please select the right tab on the right to book you car